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Online Bingo Memberships Soar After World Cup Disaster

Press release June 30, 2010 Lifestyle

An online bingo website has reported a record number of new memberships since England crashed out of the World Cup.

Bingo comparison website reported more than 2,000 new members signing up within hours of the final whistle being blown against Germany, with a new record for sign ups set the following day.

It’s believed disgruntled football fans are turning to online bingo in an attempt to regain the winning feeling which was lost during an embarrassing World Cup campaign.

Millions across the UK followed England on their road to glory, but since being dumped out of the competition, many are now seeking a new and exciting way to enjoy the summer evenings.

The sites founder Rob Hutchison said he could understand why football fans were so eager to banish the painful memories after a disastrous World Cup campaign.

He said: “Sunday’s result was a huge disappointed and left a bitter taste in the mouth. There was so much expectation and I think the public felt let down. Everyone around me fell silent and I just wanted to forget about the whole farce as soon as possible.

“Our site has over 200,000 members and has been running for several years but we’ve never seen a surge of this scale before.

 “Once the game finished people must’ve just gone online, signed up for free and started playing with their bonus money.

“Online bingo has really flourished in recent years, giving players the chance to win cash for free, from the comfort of their own home. I think this is a great way to solve your World Cup blues.”

Mr Hutchison said that whilst he’s pleased that more people are choosing to enjoy a game of online bingo he’s still gutted that once again the nation has failed to deliver.

He said: “The more players on the site the more games we can offer, giving players with a whole host of different budgets and experience levels the chance to win some great cash prizes.

“However, as a massive football fan it’s been so disappointing watching the team play the way they have. Ever since the domestic season finished everyone had been looking forward to challenging for the World Cup, but once again we’ve fallen way short.

“I just hope having some fun and winning cash online will help put a smile back on the faces of this country’s loyal football fans.”


More info:

Alex Garvey

The London PR Agency

0207 193 0566

[email protected]

