Perfion Product Information Management supports the digitization of Weber's business
Press release September 11, 2014 Weber Dynamics nav Perfion Weber grills Microsoft dynamics nav Product Information Management PIMJacob Thomassen, Weber's Digital Manager, tells the story (In Børsen, the leading Danish business newspaper) of how Weber got control of their product information, i.a., through the interaction between the Perfion Product Information Management (PIM) solution and an ERP system based on Microsoft Dynamics NAV
Weber, the manufacturer of the world famousWeber barbeque grillshas for 8 years been working intensively on a targeted digitization of their business.
Jacob Thomassen, Weber's Digital Manager, tells the story (In Børsen, the leading Danish business newspaper) of how Weber got control of their product information, i.a., through the interaction between the Perfion Product Information Management (PIM) solution and an ERP system based on Microsoft Dynamics NAV - both implemented by Perfion partner NORRIQ.
Among other things, Børsen wrote:
Product information is only a mouse click away
It started with a logistics problem at Weber. Since then, the digitization of the business has caught on to such an extent that, today, Jacob Thomassen has easy access to all Weber’s product data - and to a great extent also to data on the customers.
An enviable Reseller Portal with perfect product data
In particular, the work with developing the retailer portal (...) has brought Weber in a situation that many other companies will surely envy the company.
"We started looking at what we really knew about our products. From the USA, we received product information very sporadically, as Excel spreadsheets, emails, web documents or anything. But where we could really find product information was in the retailer catalogs that our marketing department was creating,” says Jacob Thomassen.
It was a problem though, that this information was typically available in formats which can only be used for catalog printing.
"We chose to do it the hard way and bought a product database called Perfion," he says, explaining that “the hard way” was to find and enter everything Weber knew about their products.
"It took us about a year to get to grips with it and it was hard work, but today we can see everything we know about a particular product - warranty periods, spare parts and all that stuff. "
New and unique opportunities for personalized marketing
The Perfion database is 100% integrated in the Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP system. And today, all product information is entered only in Perfion from where it can be used for all sorts of purposes; e.g. for the Weber ID service where end users can register their grill by using the serial number.
In addition to being able to help customers in case of theft or problems with their grill, the service gives Weber unique opportunities to work with more personalized marketing. “And we will make use of them, that’s for sure,” Jacob Thomassen says.
In the digitization process, Weber got so much control over their data, that new and targeted services, catalogs and much more can now be created - with a mouse click or two, popularly speaking.
"Show me all the customers who has a gas grill and would like a recipe for fish and baking - and is under 35 years old," sounds one of Jacob Thomassen’s examples for his current possibilities to extract information for use in Weber’s targeted communication.
Weber Dynamics nav Perfion Weber grills Microsoft dynamics nav Product Information Management PIM