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Outsourcing driving animation market

Press release August 13, 2014 Indian animation industry, animation industry India, Indian animation market

Netscribe's latest market research report titled Animation Market in India 2014 describes the dynamics of animation production in this country.

Growing demand from international firms for quality animation-related work, which requires a supply of highly skilled and imaginative animators, is driving the Indian market. Worth $167 million in 2008, the demand for computer gaming, in addition to animation alone, is aiding the growth of the market. Furthermore, increased availability of the latest games at lower prices and newer pricing models made gaming an attractive industry in India.

This report, Animation Market in India 2014, provides an overview of the animation market in India and forecasted market size data over 2014 to 2018. It also provides a qualitative analysis of the major drivers and challenges affecting the market. It describes the dynamics of animation production in this country.

Market overview

The animation industry in India comprises three major segments, animation, entertainment, visual effects and custom content developing, where the last niche earns the maximum revenue of the overall market. (59%) In India, the domestic market consumes just one-third of the entire production of animation and related works. But demand from the animation companies in India is expected to grow steadily over the next few years, following the success of international releases such as “Life of Pi”, “Avatar” and several others. Many of these films had significant contributions from Indian animation production houses, which delivered high-quality work on a very strict time schedule.

For further insights,

Visit: Outsourcing driving animation market

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Indian animation industry, animation industry India, Indian animation market