Synergy Learning Acquires eLearning Services Company Aardpress Ltd.
Press release December 16, 2013 Acquisition Synergy learning Elearning AardpressGlobal provider of eLearning services, Synergy Learning, is today pleased to announce the acquisition of eLearning company Aardpress, as part of its growth strategy.
Synergy Learning has been a leader in the eLearning industry for over 15 years, creating solutions for educational institutions, corporate and not for profit organisations. The acquisition of eLearning services company Aardpress is an exciting move forward for the organisation.
Roy Kerley, Co-founder and MD of Synergy Learning says of the acquisition,
"The acquisition of Aardpress represents a significant step in Synergy Learning’s continued expansion. It will enhance and extend our customer base with greater exposure in the Insurance and Finance sector, specifically. Our globally recognised status as a leading authorised Moodle Partner and Platinum Totara Partner will provide an excellent opportunity for our new clients to build upon the services previously provided by Aardpress. "
For further information, please contact:
Amy Adair, Synergy Learning:
T: + 44 (0) 28 9042 2000 E: [email protected]
About Synergy Learning:
Synergy Learning is a global eLearning solutions provider based in the UK and Germany. They are a leading authorised Moodle, Mahara and Totara Partner, with over 15 years experience providing full service solutions for online learning, including; Hosting, Support, Development, Theme Design, Training and Consultancy.
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Acquisition Synergy learning Elearning Aardpress