The World of Apple | Releases and Rumours | By Mac Repair London | UK
Press release June 28, 2010 BusinessThe Apple product line has grown enormously in 2010. For years, rumors about an Apple tablet had circulated widely on tech websites and forums. In April, Apple CEO Steve Jobs announced the iPad as a "magical and revolutionary device."
In particular, the device is marketed for consumption of periodicals, books, music, movies, games, as well as its web capabilities and email access. Since its release, sales of the iPad tablet have exceeded 3 million units.
Receiving much less press than the iPad and debuting later than the tablet device was the new Mac Mini. Apple dubbed the device the "world's most energy efficient desktop computer." For years, the Mac Mini product line has also reigned as the world's smallest desktop computer. Mac Mini easily rivals computer towers of a larger size with its 500GB hard drive, NVIDIA graphics card, and optional 8GB memory.
Finally, and receiving far more press than any other Apple product release, is the iPhone 4. Announced by Jobs on June 21st at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference. The new phone boasts all the same features as the previous models, with some notable additions. Physically, the exterior of the phone has been completely redesigned. iPhone 4 is wrapped with a stainless steel frame which acts as the phone's antenna. The frame is fitted with two chemically strengthened aluminosilicate glass plates which form the rest of the phone's exterior. Under the hood, the iPhone 4 debuts with Apple's new A4 processor, 512MB of eDRAM, a 3.5 inches LED backlit liquid-crystal 'retina display,' and comes preinstalled with Apple's renamed iOS4 operating system (OS) that will act at an umbrella OS for all of Apple's mobile devices. iPhone 4 has received enormous press for its video-chatting software 'FaceTime' and its ability to multi-task.
As always, Mac rumors about future releases are the 'hot topic' of discussion among Mac enthusiasts. Several Mac rumor websites report that Apple is considering rebranding the Mac OS X under the new "iOS" operating system name recently released with the iPhone 4. Thus, iOS would serve as an umbrella term for all of the Mac product family. Names such as iOS desktop, iOS server, and iOS mobile may become commonplace. Reportedly, upper management has yet to decide on the name change, but there is significant support for the change. For consumers, this could signal a possible release of touchscreen-enabled Mac computers.
Ever since the iPhone 4 antenna issues came to light after its release, Steve Jobs has been firing off emails daily from his personal account [email protected]. One Mac enthusiasts reports that after sending Jobs an email asking if/when he will allow wireless syncing, Jobs replied, "Yep, someday." Although there has been no official release about such a feature, it could usher in a new era of device connectivity and technological synchronization.
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