The importance of order fulfilment
Press release March 6, 2012 ITEnsuring you keep your customers happy
As the E-commerce industry grows, order fulfilment is becoming more and more important. Customers are now looking at packaging and receiving their goods in a perfect condition, as though they would if they shopped in stores.
The process of order fulfilment is from receiving the order, then shipping to the buyer to complete a transaction. Seems easy enough? Well think again. Order fulfilment is a lengthy process and requires a great eye for detail. Ensuring you package the order to the consumers’ expectations and that they receive THEIR order is imperative. There are many stages to the order fulfilment service and this article will illustrate each process and stage to ensure you operate a successful order fulfilment process.
Storage / Warehousing:
Having a tidy and organised storage / warehouse will ensure that the stock can be found with ease, keeping things in boxes and labelling them up correctly will help you keep your stock organised ready to be picked and shipped.
Keeping pallets wrapped up will ensure nothing goes missing and your stock stays safe and tidy.
Order Processing:
Ensuring you have a great team to handle the sales calls for orders taken over the phone. A friendly customer service attitude goes a long way in the E-commerce world. One unhappy customer can spread the word to other potential customer. Once the order has been placed, you need to ensure you keep to your conditions and get the goods out in the time stated. Ensure the stock is in perfect condition before sending out; place the customers invoice or a compliment slip inside the packaging for that extra touch.
Ensure your packaging is branded and looks attractive, this will be sure to make your customers come back time and time again. Use tissue paper to ensure the good stay safe and the packaging looks aesthetically pleasing.
If sending out delicate items then bubble wrap and foam is important. The bubble wrap offers support to the goods in transit and ensures items don’t get broken.
Returns and Exchanges:
Ensure the products have been retuned in the condition you sent them out in.
Restock the item into inventory and put them back in to stock in the correct place so they can be easily found again.
Order fulfilment is a crucial part of many businesses, it is the last link in the supply chain but it is by no means the least important. In many cases order fulfilment is the only time you have direct contact with the customer, it is imperative to make the most of the opportunity. Order fulfilment process can make or break a company’s reputation as a customer focused provider.