The end of meaningless cookie popups on the Internet
Press release December 3, 2013 Cookies Cookie consent Eprivacy Cookie scanner Cookie lawCybot have launched a complete, cloud-based solution that meets the needs of both website users and owners.
Despite persistent information campaigns from public authorities, there is still great confusion among website owners regarding the so-called Cookie Law. The result so far has been a failure from most websites to meet the legal requirements and attempts to remedy the situation often result in meaningless and counterintuitive solutions that are a constant source of frustration to website users.
The ePrivacy firm Cybot are now launching a user-centric cloud solution that helps both website owners and users to focus on the fundamental purpose of the Cookie Law: To protect the right to privacy on the Internet. In a collaborative effort with American search engine experts, the company has also developed an innovative cookie scanner at, which website owners may use to scan their website, free of charge and in real-time, to determine if they are subject to the Cookie Law.
"There is a great deal of confusion in this area and most solutions so far have led to user-friendliness suffering greatly. On many websites, the user may only choose to accept cookies, which is basically meaningless and not legal either. The lack of a real choice leads to great frustration for the end-user", says Daniel Johannsen, founder and manager of Cybot.
Automated and user-friendly
Cybot have launched a complete, cloud-based solution that meets the needs of both website users and owners.
"With our solution, users will only have to give their consent once a year and they are given a real choice to consent or not. In the case that a firm owns multiple websites, the consent may encompass several domains, thus avoiding the cookie prompt on every single website. Website owners must inform the user of the actual use of cookies, which is why we have created a scanner that analyses the website's content once a month and compiles a detailed cookie audit report. This allows both website users and owners to see how cookies are used on the website in question", Daniel Johannsen continues.
The scanner has been developed as part of a collaborative effort with the American web crawl expert Mike Anderson from the Austin-based firm Predictive Science LLC, "Creating algorithms that will change the world". Additionally, Daniel Johannsen has previously taken part in the development of other kinds of web scanners, most recently a vulnerability scanner for an American security firm. This collective experience has served as the ideal foundation for the development of an innovative and effective cookie scanner.
The solution is fully automated and runs on a cloud-powered environment, which makes it practically maintenance-free once deployed.
"We have managed to keep implementation efforts to a minimum by providing an open and simple API (Application Programming Interface) to website owners. The API allows for rapid deployment on any website, regardless of the technical platform used. As such, we believe our solution will contribute to a higher level of consumer trust in the digital economy", says Daniel Johannsen.
For more information, please contact company manager Daniel Johannsen, Cybot ApS, tel. +45 23 710 940, e-mail: [email protected]
Daniel Johannsen
Founder/CEOCybot A/S
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Cookies Cookie consent Eprivacy Cookie scanner Cookie law