The Best Debt Settlement Services
Press release July 20, 2012 EconomyDebt settlement companies offer a wide range of settlement programs where they negotiate with your creditors to settle your debt for less than what you owe.
Debt settlement has advantages for both you and your creditor. When a debt settlement service negotiates a settlement with your creditor, they are able to reduce the total amount owed thereby satisfying the debt and put you on the right track to becoming debt free. Debt negotiation services save creditors time and the expense of attempting to collect the debt. Also, it guarantees them that they will be able to collect some of the debt as opposed to the consumer filing for bankruptcy, resulting in them receiving nothing.
Finding a suitable debt settlement service can be a daunting and stressful task, but it is essential that you find the best company for the job. Ensure you research prospective companies thoroughly and take your time to find the best company to meet your needs. Look for companies with years of experience, as these will have a wealth of knowledge and know how to negotiate effectively with creditors. However, do check that these companies are up to date with current practices.
Check the profile and service background of any debt settlement companies you are considering and choose the one that suits you the best. Check any accreditations they have; such as certifications obtained so far, like their Better Business Bureau report or if they have an IAPDA certification. You also need to find out what debt settlement companies charge and when these fees would be paid. Compare fees and choose the debt settlement company that best meet your needs. A good way of checking a company’s credentials is by reading testimonials and feedback given by past clients, although be wary of their reliability as they may of been manipulated by the company.
According to Eagle One Debt Solutions has been rated 2012’s number one debt settlement company. They offer debt settlement, debt consolidation and other debt relief options and are part of the TASC. The TASC is a consumer watchdog, and is similar to the online business bureau and is a regulatory body which is independent of the government. It does not have laws that must be followed, but it helps companies uphold laws with regards to debt settlement. When searching for an appropriate debt settlement service it would be advisable to check that companies are part of the TASC.