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Recent technological advancements driving growth in the UV LED market

Press release September 4, 2014 Uv led market, uv led market report

An LED is a semiconductor device/light source that emits visible light or infrared light when an electric charge passes through it.

LED is now replacing mercury as a prime component owing to its compact nature, lower cost ownership and environment friendly make, the UV LED market is growing at an accelerating rate. The business is booming, with expectations to touch nearly USD$ 270 million by 2017, growing at 43.51%CAGR. Simultaneously, the traditional UV lamps market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 10% in the same time period.

This report, Global UV LED Market 2014-2018 provides a detailed analysis of the market and focuses on the major players, recent developments and key drivers of the global UV LED Market.

Market overview

In the year 2012, the UVA/UVB application represented almost around 89% of the UV LED market. UV curing is the key trend that is being witnessed in this market due to its dynamic nature and advantages over traditional technologies. This trend is also being adopted by the supply chain which is enforcing this technology’s adoption. With Heraeus Noblelight’s acquisition of Fusion UV, the major UV curing system manufacturers are now adapting the UV LED technology transition.

In addition to traditional products like UV lamps, UV LED’s possess the technology to cater to new applications which are miniaturized and portable.

Key players

The key players in the UV LED market include Crystal IS Inc., Nichia Corp., Phoseon Technology, SemiLEDs Corp., Sensor Electronic Technology Inc., Seoul Viosys Co. Ltd. , Cree Inc., Dot Metrics Technologies Inc., Dowa Electronics Material Co. Ltd., Luminus Devices Inc., Nitride Semiconductors Co. Ltd.

For further insights,

Visit: Recent technological advancements driving growth in the UV LED market

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Uv led market, uv led market report