Online credit check service enables security firms to complete BS7858 employment screening quickly and inexpensively
Press release February 3, 2010 BusinessCompanies vetting to BS7858 standard can now access the credit check required via a secure, pay-as-you-go service for just £9.50. The Know Your Candidate service has already gained traction within the security market and drawn favourable comments.
Manchester 02, 02, 2010: UK security firms can now verify details of Court Judgements and Bankruptcy Orders against their new employees as specified in security vetting standard BS7858 by using an inexpensive and simple employment screening service from Know Your Candidate. The Credit Check report containing details of Court Judgements and Bankruptcy Orders is just £9.50 and is delivered securely online within 24 hours. The service is perfect for small and medium sized security companies who need a value for money, accessible Credit Check service to complete their BS7858 Security Vetting.
The Court Judgement and Bankruptcy Check, commonly referred to as a Credit Check, is a requirement of BS7858:2006 – the British Standard for Security Screening of Individuals Employed in a Security Environment. It is the component of the BS7858 check which security firms require external help to complete. However, sourcing the Credit Check component often proves problematic for security firms, especially smaller ones, as their recruitment activity is unpredictable and there is no guarantee they will need to hire any new employees throughout the year. This means that setting up arrangements directly with Credit Reference Agencies is out of the question due to the high set-up and annual fees required, while traditional employment screening companies often only include the Credit Check within their full BS7858 check package which pushes up the price significantly.
All this is now a thing of the past due to Know Your Candidate’s pay-as-you-go online employment screening service. Security firms can now purchase credit checks as and when they require them with no registration or annual fees to pay. Registration is free and takes less than 5 minutes, with no contracts or supplier paperwork to complete.
Sue Bradley, HR Manager of rural and equine security specialist, Atticus Risk, commented: “Know Your Candidate provides a timely and efficient financial vetting service that allows us to effectively assess our candidate’s suitability for employment within the security industry in line with the demands of BS7858. The website is user friendly and reports returned are clear and well laid out. The pricing structure and range of checks available ensure that ongoing use of the service is financially as well as operationally sustainable, particularly for an SME wishing to only outsource part of its recruitment process, or for a firm with a low turnover of staff”.
Barry Hetherington, Director of Know Your Candidate welcomed the comments saying “small and medium sized companies were at the forefront of our thinking in setting up Know Your Candidate. From the outset our aim was to provide a reliable, easy to use employment screening service for SMEs, providing information rich, clear reports at competitive prices. We believe that small and medium sized companies should have choice in how they approach employment screening - if a company only requires a check once in a while they should not be forced to pay extra just to fit in with the provider’s business model.”
Barry Hetherington
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