named Gardening Website of the Year 2008!
Press release May 28, 2008 Homes & GardensInnovative new online gardening organiser site is awarded Gardening Website of the Year at the 2008 Mouse & Trowel Awards. features many unique tools to track and organise all aspects of gardening. Day counters and timelines show when each planting was planted or sown; and a fully featured observation diary allows for recording of significant planting events (like harvests and blooms), photos and weather. Through these observations and recordings, gardeners are able to create a full visual snapshot of their garden in time which they can use as a reference for future seasons. Gardeners are also able to catalogue their "seed stash" on the site, and by linking seeds to the plantings they originated from, gardeners can also form a complete "family tree" of their backyard.
Dubbed by Canadian Gardening Magazine as the "Facebook for Gardeners", the site enables gardeners from all around the world to comment on each other's gardens and plants, find "gardening buddies", create and join niche gardening interest groups and "thumbs up!" interesting progress journals. was launched in August 2007, and since that time has grown to include members from over 30 different countries. As the world's first "social garden organiser", the website asks the question "who is growing the same things you are?" - by creating profiles for their gardens and plantings, gardeners can now find out to the exact variety or cultivar then share their knowledge and experiences.
ENDS is a completely self funded website created and maintained by Nicole Pascoe and Nathan Hawes, Australian web developers and self confessed gardening geeks currently based in London, UK.
The Mouse & Trowel Awards were created by freelance writer and garden blogger Colleen Vanderlinden to honor and reward excellence in online gardening. Awards for a variety of blog and website categories, as well as podcasting awards, are awarded every May after nomination and voting phases. Quickly dubbed "the Mousies" by the garden blogging community, the Mouse & Trowel Awards earned a fair share of acclaim in 2007, with multiple write-ups in the Detroit Free Press, on several websites and blogs, and mentions on garden-related podcasts.
Homes & Gardens