MTS, the Largest Mobile Operator in Russia and the CIS, is launching Silent Communication’s Call Management and Visual Voicemail mobile client
Press release April 1, 2009 ITSilent Communication, a leading provider of real-time call management and visual voicemail solutions for mobile handsets, today announced that MTS (NYSE: MBT), the largest mobile phone operator in Russia and the CIS, is going to launch the TalkinSilentTM Call Management and Visual Voicemail mobile client in April, offering an enhanced communication experience to its subscribers. The client has already been launched by five major Indian operators last month.
TalkinSilentTM Mobile Suite allows MTS to extend mobile experience of its subscribers by providing visual voicemail capabilities, offering new ways of getting and managing calls, adding conversational messaging, and more - all within the same mobile client.
TalkinSilentTM Mobile Suite enables mobile users to answer incoming calls with pre-recorded personalized voice and SMS greetings, experience SMS exchanges as "IM-like" chat and manage voicemails directly on the mobile handset. Being a set of intuitive and user-friendly clients, TalkinSilentTM Mobile Suite encourages voice and data usage and generates revenues starting from day one, while not requiring capital expenditures due to its server-less architecture.
Pavel Roytberg, Product and Service Development Director at MTS, commented: "Personalization, innovation, reach and quality of user experience are critical to our subscribers. By offering TalkinSilentTM Mobile Suite, MTS differentiates its services and delivers its subscribers innovative services."
Max Bluvband, Silent Communication's CEO, adds: "Following successful launches with Tier 1 operators around the globe, this particular launch of TalkinSilentTM in Russia demonstrates again operators' awareness to advantages of enriched communicational experience brought by value added mobile client applications such as Visual Voicemail, "IM-Like" SMS messaging and Call Management."