Mini MBA: Gain Access to New Markets, Foreign Talents, New Networks, and New Knowhow
Press release March 7, 2016 Leadership Finance Management training Business psychology E learning Business Economy Management Successful women in business Paris New York LONDON KnowhowGlobalisation is here to stay, and for that we should be thankful. Increasing globalisation results in access to new markets, foreign talents, new networks, and new knowhow. Though, increased globalisation also equals higher complexity and sets new, heavy demands for companies and leaders.
It is essential that companies and leaders continuously develop to meet the many demands, requirements, rules, and methods of doing global business. As one of today's leaders, you must not only think outside the box - you must think outside national borders, beyond your own culture, and past outdated strategies.
To think beyond national borders, is a challenge for many. For that reason, ambitious companies across the globe have invested in their leaders to prepare them for global success. At Probana, we know this because we post-educate a large part of these leaders, and most of them have the whole world as their workplace.
International Competition Calls for Innovative Leaders
If companies are to retain and improve their position on the global market, they need to improve their competences through supplementary education. It is essential that leaders post-educate themselves if they wish to be armed for challenges in the future. A company needs strong leaders, if it aims to be more efficient, more innovative, and more successful than its competitors.
The increasing international competition that companies face today, not only sets new requirements for higher levels of competences among employees and leaders; it also sets new demands for the their ability to innovate. Yesterday's cutting edge solution will be different tomorrow. Leaders must constantly think innovatively. Therefore, investing in leadership development is extremely critical to future success. Effective leadership and inspiration will nourish the company's ability to innovate and stay ahead of the curve.
Companies, that send their leaders to attend our Mini MBA year after year, often express to us that the advantage of our supplementary education is the mix between theory and practice. You cannot become a great leader only by reading a book. On the other hand, you cannot become a great leader by only seeking inspiration in your everyday life. Leadership development is about combining theory with practice which is why Probana's Mini MBA focuses on exactly this. To us, it is critical that the techniques we introduce will not only create new knowledge in terms of theory, but also that they will function as concrete tools that immediately can be applied in practice.
Acknowledged top leaders with international insight provide us with theory and concrete knowhow. As guest lecturers at our Mini MBA, they will share their knowledge, insight, and experiences from a successful life in the global arena. At Probana, we pass on best practices through the best leaders, who know what is required to manage companies in an increasingly globalised world.
Management Must Turn Different Cultures Into A Strength
When we say globalisation, we must also say cultural diversity. The increased globalisation and international competition have resulted in companies hiring employees from abroad to a much higher degree than before.
Personnel management, change management, and value creating management are some of the essential competences if cultural differences are to be taken seriously and exploited on all levels of the company. Culture rubs off on our values, norms, and ways of thinking. This may create challenges at work, if leaders do not address it and take it seriously during the daily management of their personnel.
At Probana, we consider cultural differences when shaping the Mini MBA. The programme provides concrete tools to ensure that globalisation, and hereby cultural diversity, will be a strength to the company instead of a limitation. Great management is the key to integrate foreign talent in the corporate culture.
In this connection, a company car or access to the daily fruit basket is not sufficient. The foreign talents need to feel like part of the corporate culture and to know that their competencies make a difference. The integration of multiple cultures into the company is a management task that will become increasingly important in years to come. Leaders simply need to grow in order to become able to manage and motivate a diverse team of employees.
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Leadership Finance Management training Business psychology E learning Business Economy Management Successful women in business Paris New York LONDON Knowhow