Make Learning Fun and Interactive
Press release February 23, 2012 EducationTop 5 Primary School Teaching Resources
With hundreds of teaching resources out there, how do you know which ones are worth using? This article will look at some of the resources available and how they can benefit you and your pupils.
This article will look at primary resources. Getting the best out of your pupils and making learning fun is imperative to gaining the full attention of your pupils.
Easy View/Projector- whether you are collecting stones from the playground or looking at plants, this easy viewer is perfect for bringing things to life. Simply place an object under the light and the image is projected on the wall. This Easy View Projector is perfect for show and tell and assemblies. Help your pupils become interested and focused with this must have resource.
Play Foam – Let their imagination run wild with these fun sculpting beads. Perfect for a class activity. Help pupils learn how to share, develop their creativity and simply have fun. The play foam’s non-drying formula means it won’t stick to clothes or carpets so it’s easy to clean away.
Real life artefacts – Are a great example of bringing your lessons to life. These particular ones are made from the people of Chembakoli. These artefacts are perfect for geography, history or citizenship lessons.
Labelling Resources: Learning a language at such a young age will give your pupils a head start when they join secondary school. The younger they learn a language, the easier they pick it up. Why not make you lesson fun, interactive and visually easy to understand with The Ma Maison Labelling Resource. The labelling technique enables the children to be involved and you can ask questions about the house and get the children to put the words in the correct rooms.
Science Kits – At primary school age, children’s imaginations are constantly developing. Why not bring out the best in them and allow them to explore science in a fun, interactive way. The Macro Science Kit helps with the study of materials, e.g. comparing liquid and solids, what happens when solids are heated and so on. This resource comes with teacher notes and interactive pupil work sheets.
All of the above resources are designed around the national curriculum and are designed to make learning fun and interactive. We all know there is nothing worse than just listening to someone talk at you for 30-40 minutes. Get the pupils involved and make learning fun for them.