Lifft baby slings launch ‘For him’ range this Father’s Day
Press release June 16, 2010 FamilyIn celebration of Father’s Day, Lifft have launched a men’s range of baby slings, which can help strengthen bonding between dads and their little ones.
With a recent survey* showing that an incredible 45% of dads don’t bond with their children immediately, Lifft slings ( has launched a ‘For Him’ range in celebration of Father’s Day which can be the perfect solution for helping dads strengthen this bond.
The survey sought to find the average length of time dads take to bond with their children, with the results showing 45% did not bond immediately, with an amazing 15% of recipients admitting it took longer than 2 months for them to bond with their newborn.
It’s well known that men often worry about how they will bond with their newborn; yet research from Canada has shown that when a man cuddles a baby it increases levels of the hormone prolactin, which is prevalent in pregnant women and described as the hormone which engenders a love for a baby. With this in mind, Lifft has created a men’s baby sling (, range available in sizes and colours specifically aimed at men, the thinking being that if dad carries the baby more often, he will bond quicker. The Lifft sling is also scientifically proven to improve both the wearer and baby’s posture**. Therefore, a baby sling can be the way to help father’s strengthen the bond with their babies.
Louise Day, Founder of Lifft Slings commented “Most research suggests that a high level of intimacy between dad and baby in the first few months produces a closer attachment, so a baby sling for men seemed the perfect solution. Baby slings have become more and more popular, particularly with dads, as they can take baby for a walk increasing the time they spend with their new baby, thus providing quality bonding time.”
The launch of the Lifft Sling For Him coincides with Fathers Day this year. Paula Ketteridge, qualified midwife, baby advisor and director of Baby Daze says; ‘Studies have shown that many new dads shy away from bonding with newborn babies as they are not quite sure of their role, and can feel less confident in their ability to bond.
I would suggest to embrace this exciting and new phase of his life through simple activities such as eye contact, physical contact and spending time with their new baby and a baby sling is the perfect way to do this.’
With at least five alternative ways to wear the Lifft sling, this buckle/clasp free sling is great for newborn babies through toddlerhood to three year olds weighing up to 35lbs. With three different colour combinations to choose from, and sizes from S, M and L sizes for new dads the Lifft baby sling is fast becoming the must-have accessory for every new parent.
*Carried out by Lifft Slings with 100 respondents, May 2010
**Ostgaard H et al 1994 'Reduction of back pain and posterior pelvic pain after pregnancy' Spine 21 (23): 2777 2780
About Lifft Slings:
The Lifft Sling has been designed to offer supreme levels of comfort and style for both parents and baby, and is incredibly easy to use. The range has been beautifully designed to ensure that the carrying positions are natural – the sling mimics how a baby would be carried in arms. Whilst in the Lifft™ Sling baby can always see the face and voice, as well as feeling the heartbeat of the wearer, helping make baby feel swaddled and secure. Lifft Slings are available to buy from stockists nationwide in the UK as well as being able to buy baby slings online ( from the Lifft website. Lifft is also a member of the National Consortium of UK Sling Manufacturers, which has compiled advice for the best use of a sling - T.I.C.K.S. This stands for;
Tight In view at all times Close enough to kiss Keep chin off chest Supported back
For more information please email Cream Communications [email protected] or call 0845 3889584