Leap year proposals
Press release January 30, 2012 LifestyleWould you ask your man?
Fed up of waiting for your man to surprise you with a beautiful diamond engagement ring?
Leap years only come round once every 1,461 days, so if your dreaming of diamond rings and big white gowns; take the plunge and propose or you could be waiting another 4 years!
The tradition of Leap Year Proposals dates back to 1288, when Scotland supposedly passed a law that allowed women to propose to the man of their choice in that year. Tradition states they also made it law that any man who declined the proposal in a leap year must pay a fine. The fine ranged from a kiss to payment for a silk dress or a pair of gloves β It's a win β win situation.
There are many ways of proposing to your man, with this comes many questions. Do I get down on one knee? What do I present to him? Well this all depends on you and how you feel best and most comfortable.
Dawn Ritchie, Jewellery Buyer at Argos said βIt is definitely now more usual for women to take the opportunity of a leap year to ask their man to marry them. Traditionally, the man presents the woman with an engagement ring, but when the proposal is reversed there are a variety of options. You can chose to give your future husband a plain wedding band or some cuff links that he could wear on your wedding day.
Getting hold of your man this leap year could be a problem however 24% admitted they would go out of their way to avoid any woman who might be thinking of proposing as they fear the intimidation. It is traditionally the man who asks the woman but as society moves on why shouldn't our traditions. 3 out of 5 men who took the pole said they would say Yes if their partner proposed. There is still hope yet ladies!