Journalists Join Private Investigators for WAPI "Blagging" Conference
Press release November 1, 2011 BusinessThe ten year anniversary of the World Association of Private Investigators, WAPI, will see journalists attending their conference and banquet on Saturday 19th November 2011 in order to get the hard facts and law behind hacking and blagging.
There have been many major headlines and global events throughout 2011 that have brought immediate shock and opinion from the public, commerical and Governments sectors, however the revalations this year surrounding the News of The World phone hacking scandal and involvement of a "private investigator" has dragged on and been the subject of ongoing debates.
Saturday 19th November marks the 10 year anniversary of the World Association of Private Investigators, who are holding a day of conferences and seminars to educate and cover some of the headline hitting issues of this year.
The event will see the coming together of newspaper journalists and private investigators, with interest from the journalists heightened due to the morning and afternoon guest speakers who will be covering key areas that have affected both industries over the past year.
The morning session sees Neil Smith, a former major police force officer of 10 years who has also worked as a counter-fraud specialist for Government departments and as a fraud investigator for insurance companies, talking about his hands on experience as an investigative researcher.
Neil also teaches private investigators throughout the UK and Europe the skill of using the ever expanding channel that is the internet as an investigation tool. His knowledge in traditional and modern era fraud and anti-fraud skills will provide any investigator with an increased portfolio of measures with which to operate.
In the afternoon guest speaker David Swarbrick will be giving his thoughts and passing on his experience on the laws surrouding hacking, blagging, bugging and tracking. David was a highly respected solicitor in a private practice law firm for over 30 years and is now a frequent writer on legal issues.
David is responsible for publishing the lawindexpro and the website law site that is one of the most popular law specialist websites within the UK. Whilst in practic as a solicitor David specialised in intellectual property law such as computer crime and law such as misuse, data protection, computer encryption and practice.
There are not many people with such diverse hands on knowledge and experience of working with everybody from individual hackers right through to global bodies and companies, quite uniquely David has experience in the computer industry prior to his days in law which allows him to pass on and apply his understandings and the mechanics of computing in his work.
The evening includes a champagne reception, black tie banquet, magic show and live entertainment intot he early hours to finish off this celebration of the first ten years of WAPI.
For more information regarding the WAPI 10th Anniversary celebrations and how to reserve tickets please visit