Free Event for Visual Artists
Press release February 26, 2010 CultureOn Thursday 18th March, artists are invited to attend a free event to celebrate the launch of dot-art Services CIC, a new social enterprise set up specifically to support North-West based visual artists through a range of services and activities designed to help them develop their careers and gain exposure and promotion for their work.
The launch party will take place at the St Mary's Complex in Bootle, home to a wide range of community arts organisations, including dot-art Services and several of it's partners, between 6-8pm on 18th March. Artists from around the region, at all stages of their careers, are encouraged to come along to find out about the help and support this new organisation can provide, have their own say about future projects and activities, while enjoying fabulous food, drink and live music.
Lucy Byrne of dot-art Services said: “Since it's inception in 2005, dot-art has always had the support of local artists at it's heart. The launch of dot-art Services CIC will allow us to build on the unique membership system started by dot-art, and develop and expand the services and activities it provides in direct response to the needs and requirements of artists in the region. We are absolutely delighted by the response we have received so far to these changes, and already have several fantastic projects in the pipeline.”
To register for FREE tickets, please visit:
For more details, please contact:
Lucy Byrne, Director, dot-art Services CIC,
T: 0845 0176660 M: 07976 723796 E: [email protected]
Notes to editors.
dot-art Services CIC is a not-for-profit social enterprise which exists to support North-West based visual artists through a range of services and activities designed to help them develop their careers and gain exposure and promotion for their work.
dot-art Services CIC functions in a unique fashion, operating a membership system which gives artists a range of benefits including their own web page, access to exhibition, career development and promotional opportunities, as well as help and advice, networking events and discounts on art supplies and framing.
Community Interest Company limited by guarantee, no: 7088227