Dorset Company powers - The Premier UK Online digital mailroom.
Press release January 22, 2009 BusinessStandard Post (Royal Mail) can be accessed and managed 24/7 from anywhere there's an Internet connection - send and receive your post as email
UK Postbox has taken the massive, long awaited and enterprising step forward to change the way we will all view and respond to our postal mail.... alongside our email. By harnessing the availability of the internet, from our homes, offices, cafes and even mobile phones, now you can view all your incoming post online, decide whether to read, recycle, shred or forward on, and then even send a letter back in response from anywhere in the world. At last a postal service that is scalable, flexible, cost effective for all companies whether Worldwide International locations, corporate offices, a mobile workforce, or smaller companies looking for a cost effective solution to the paperless office.
The business world has seen dramatic changes over the last few years with increase in electronic communication, yet organisations of all sizes still receive huge volumes of postal mail. Things are changing again with the Premier UK digital mailroom - The days of manually distributing and manually filing the mail is over and no longer viable. The new digital world makes the task very easy, cost effective and dispersed across many locations, allowing works to receive their postal mail regardless of their location.
UK Postbox provides Online Digital Mailroom solutions that will improve efficiency in the mailroom function through the scanning and distribution of incoming and outgoing mail. More and more organisations are spreading their geographic footprint, resulting in staff that are no longer tied to one desk in one location. Modern business practices such as hot desking, working from home and geographic expansion can all lead to a significant problems with Postal communication reaching its intended recipient.
Our scalable, flexible, cost effective solutions work for all companies whether Worldwide International locations, corporate offices, a mobile workforce, or smaller companies looking for a cost effective solution to the paperless office.
Receive post online -Whether you are working abroad or want to make your business more efficient with post arriving seamlessly to the correct person wherever they are working from. With a UK Postbox account you can manage your postal mail as easily as your email. You postal mail will be available online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, from anywhere in the world. With your own secure UK Postbox account you will be able to easily view scanned images of ALL your received envelopes online, then choose to have your mail securely scanned into a PDF document so that you can view online, recycled, shredded or forwarded to you or someone else. You are in total control of your postal mail from any location in the World
Send post online -Write and send a letter from any location without worrying about stamps, where is the nearest postbox and what time is the last post collection, now you can very easily. You can now send your letters direct from your e-mail client or your secure online UK Postbox account. We can print practically anything, Word Documents, Powerpoint Presentations, PDF, Spreadsheets. We even offer the range of Royal Mail services to make sure your important letter arrives when you want it to - Special, Recorded and Registered Delivery so can relax and have peace of mind that your important document will arrive safely. Your business image will be maintained as we will produce all letters on your company stationery, compliment slips and corporate branded envelopes.
For further information, press pack and images please contact:
Company UK Postbox Limited
Contact Allan Chester
Address Head Office
Hollybank House
7 Old Wareham Road
Beacon Hill, Poole
Dorset. BH15 4EL
Telephone 0845 474 0812
Email [email protected]