Diamond Jubilee Big Lunch 3rd June 2012
Press release May 23, 2012 PublicWhat can you do?
We are all looking forward to the Diamond jubilee. For some of us, this will be our first jubilee festivity, for others, you may have been around for the Gold and Silver. The Queen has been on the thrown for almost 60 years; the second longest reign in British History; with Queen Victoria holding the thrown for 63 years.
The celebrations began back in March with the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh touring the UK. However, the main celebration begins the weekend of the 2nd June 2012. The Queen is due to attend the Epsom Derby on the 2nd and 3rd of June; the perfect time for everyone to be involved and help celebrate the Diamond Jubilee with the Big Jubilee Lunch.
The Big Jubilee Lunch is a fantastic excuse for a party. Visit the official website for invites, stickers, posters and much more. The aim of the Big Jubilee Lunch is to bring communities and neighbourhoods together. There may be people who you do not know living in your street; what better way to get to know them and make them feel welcome by throwing a party.
Follow these easy steps to your perfect Big Jubilee Lunch:
- Settle on a Venue: If you want a street party, you will need to apply to your council to have the road closed off.
- Send out invites: Does everyone in your street want to come?
- Get help: On the invites, explain that if people would like to be involved in decorating, making cakes or sandwiches then they are more than welcome to help out.
- Food: Keep it simple, sandwiches, cakes and sausage rolls are easy to prepare and everyone loves them
- Decorations: Now is the time to go wild with the bunting, balloons, flags and face paint. Get everyone involved in painting your town red, white and blue.
- Music: have some background music on to create a party atmosphere.
- Entertainment: Ensure the entertainment is suitable for all ages; you don’t want to leave the children or adults out.
Following the above steps will ensure you have the perfect Big Jubilee Lunch. Help celebrate our Queen’s 60 year reign in style and ensure you invite the whole community.