Danish company launches a new, ground-breaking roof paint for the British market
Press release November 7, 2019 Construction Roof paint Roof protection PaintCoolingpaint Roof is a patented and innovative roof paint that reflects over 90% of the sun’s infrared rays and reduces the surface’s absorption of heat from the sun’s rays by up to 20%. The paint offers a solution to climate-related challenges by reducing the increasing need for cooling in Great Britain, extends the life expectancy of the roof and reduces the need for maintenance.
The technology is originally from the United States military’s stealth project which was to make planes less visible to radar. Nowocoat has further developed the technology with special equipment that homogenises the chemical composition of the paint’s pigments and additives. The pigments have microscopic mirrors added to them which reflect over 90% of the sun’s infrared rays. That reduces the amount of absorbed heat by up to 20%. Coolingpaint is based on HybridTechnology-System™ and includes the anti-fungal and algae-inhibiting additive SlowRelease-Protection™, which means that the additive is only activated in moist weather.
“At Nowocoat, due to our inhouse competences and R&D and production facilities, we are capable of developing innovative and technologically advanced products and being at the forefront of the international league. Coolingpaint is completely unique, as the product has such great potential and is so relevant both here at home and abroad,” explains Nowocoat’s CEO, Ole E. Jensen, and continues:
“We are also always focusing on quality and the environment when we develop new products. Therefore, Coolingpaint Roof is solvent-free and offers the market what it wants: a product with no harmful substances. Coolingpaint also carries the EU Ecolabel, which is a guarantee that the product meets strict environmental requirements throughout all phases of its lifecycle. This also means that Coolingpaint does not contain heavy metals, softening agents and harmful amounts of solvents. At the same time, it has been quality tested in accordance with international standards for coverage and opacity, UV-stability, adhesion, peeling, blistering, crack formation, high weather resistance, fungal and algal growth, gloss and colour change and the ability to reflect infrared rays.”
A solution to climate-related challenges
Coolingpaint Roof has great potential in solving some of the climate-related challenges that the world faces. One of these challenges are called Urban Heat Islands, which are areas in cities where the temperature is significantly higher than in the surrounding natural areas due to people, buildings and machines absorbing and giving off heat. The phenomenon is harmful to both the environment and people’s health, as the rising temperatures once again increase the demand for cooling which results in air pollution and bad interior climates.
“An untreated roof can reach surface temperatures of up to 90°C, while the temperature on a roof treated with Coolingpaint Roof is reduced by up to 15%. In practice, this means that it is possible to reduce the Urban Heat Island effect and, not least, reduce the energy consumed by cooling units placed on the rooftop. The better surfaces are at reflecting the sun’s rays, the easier it is to keep temperatures down - both on the surface and inside the building. This makes Coolingpaint a very attractive solution from both a financial and environmental perspective for a large number of different segments such as, for example, shopping malls, public buildings and the like where there is a great need for cooling,” Ole E. Jensen concludes.
COOLINGPAINT® is available inseveral types for woodwork, facades and roofs in common standard colours.
For further information, please contact the CEO of Nowocoat, Ole E. Jensen by calling +45 30303234 or sending an email to [email protected]
About Nowocoat A/S
Nowocoat A/S is an innovative and modern coating plant with roots that go back to 1861. We make innovative, functional and durable coatings for industry, production and professional use. In 2018, we opened our new factory in Denmark where we can produce up to 65,000 litres three times per day - with full traceability, environmental responsibility and optimal quality assurance. We are therefore double certified in accordance with the ISO 14001 environmental standard and the ISO 9001 quality standard. Through innovation and development, we create new standards for the effect that can be achieved via surface treatments while at the same time we are entering into close collaborations with our customers so that we can deliver solutions that are an optimal match for their production and needs.
Ole E. Jensen
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Construction Roof paint Roof protection Paint