Blackpool Care Homes Get New Online Marketing Resource
Press release August 15, 2013 HealthMost Blackpool care homes and care homes throughout the UK rely on traditional methods to advertise their services however, this month they will see the launch of a free brand new marketing online marketing strategy that will be more successful in this day and age.
Caring Matters is a well established online resource dedicated to offering invaluable advice, help and support to people who are ill, old age pensioners and carers of old or ill people. It gives people a lifeline when they have no where to turn for advice on what is out there in terms of support.
Buiilt by a group of people who have experienced first hand the frustrations of getting the right information and support when caring for a loved one who is termiinally ill. Sifting through a mind field of information that is conflicting and complicated can be quite frustrating, that is why Caring Matters is such an importanty resource as it is full of useful pointers.
Don Abson a local Blackpool business man and the main founder of Caring Matters has dedicated his time to creating this resource to help the ill, old, the families and carers who can no longer take care of themselves. He has now taken the website to whole new level, he has designed a part of the website that will be a care home directory for residential care in Blackpool and the surrounding areas.
Care homes will have the opportunity to list their care home with general information and further information with regards to their facilities etc.
In return, Don will invest in online marketing in order to drive traffic and more residents to the local care homes in the area.
It will become a vital resource for people looking for the right care in the local area visit to find out more.