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Adoption of smart glass fuelling growth in global automotive glass market

Press release September 1, 2014 Automotive glass industry, automotive glass market

Automotive manufacturers and aftermarket suppliers are both major end-uses of automotive glass. The demand for automotive glass is derived from the Automotive market.

The rise in demand for smart glass is one of the major trends that the globalautomotive glass market iswitnessing. Recent research has found that the market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 3.75% in the forecast period.

This report, Global Automotive Glass Market 2014-2018, provides a detailed analysis of the market and focuses on the major players, recent developments and key drivers of the global automotive glass market. 

Market overview

The utilization of smart glass is one of the key trends that are driving growth in the automotive glass industry. This kind of glass is being used by a number of high end automotive car manufactures like Mercedes Benz, BMW, and Audi. More so, now it is replacing the normal glass that is being used in the automotive industry for items and products like windshields, sunroofs, sun visors and even car side windows. Rear view mirror glass and dashboard displays are also utilizing smart glass. The main advantage is that they help save energy by controlling the interior temperature in the car during extreme conditions. It also provides the best vision to the driver which is an added advantage. A rise in the in automotive production and sales is also contributing as one of the key drivers in the market. 

Key players

The players in this industry include Asahi Glass Co. Ltd., Compagnie de Saint Gobain SA, FUYAO Glass Industry Group Co. Ltd., Nippon Sheet Glass Co. Ltd., Pittsburgh Glass Works LLC , Guardian Industries, Shanghai Yaohua Pilkington Glass Group Co., Ltd., and Xinyi Glass Holdings Ltd.

For further insights,

Visit: Adoption of smart glass fuelling growth in global automotive glass market

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Automotive glass industry, automotive glass market