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Henrik Lund

Contact person
chief executive officer
Naturli' Foods
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Press releases

Green foods to receive their own place of honour in the chilled aisle

Press release April 10, 2019
Naturli Sausages Hotdog The Britons’ appetite for plant-based foods is now so great that Sainsbury’s gives vegetarian foods their very own place in the chilled aisle. Danish Naturli’ Foods is among the producers who experience Britons’ appetite for green foods as nearly insatiable, and the company anticipates a warm reception of among other plant-based sausages leading up to the grill season.

Britons are nuts about vegan butter – more is coming up now

Press release November 19, 2018
VEGAN BLOCK, UK Britons find themselves in the midst of a dietary revolution where meat has to give way to plant-based foods on their plates. This is felt particularly by Naturli’ Foods who only this summer introduced Britain to Organic Vegan Spreadable and now launches yet another vegan butter product now in block form to be used as a replacement for butter.

Danish innovation to replace beef

Press release June 11, 2018
Naturli1 In the UK, more than one evening meal out of four is now either vegetarian or vegan. The British have developed an almost insatiable appetite for plant-based food. Danish owned Naturli’ Foods is launching its 100 per cent vegetable-based fresh mince in the UK. Naturli’ Minced can replace minced beef, and will be in the meat counters beside the minced beef.