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140637 jbr 28 JBR6062


140637 jbr 28 JBR6062, Stutteri Ask Stadium at FEI World Championships Herning2022.Photo: Herning2022/Ridehesten

140637 jbr 28 JBR6062
Stutteri Ask Stadium at FEI World Championships Herning2022.Photo: Herning2022/Ridehesten

File type: .JPG
Size: 1.79 MB
Dimension: 3280 x 4928

Press releases

Herning2022 – sets a new benchmark for how to approach sustainability for large events

Press release May 11, 2022
Sustainability When the equestrian world meets in Denmark for the FEI World Championships in August, it’ll be a first on many levels. Not only will it be the biggest equestrian event ever hosted in Denmark, but Herning2022 has also turned the approach to sustainability upside down. Instead of apologising for the CO2 emissions that such an event unavoidably will emit, the focus is on putting a positive imprint on the world to inspire other events.