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The Malaysian furniture industry continues supply to the biggest markets in the world

Press release September 16, 2014 Furniture Industry Malaysia, Malaysia Furniture Market, Malaysia Furniture Industry

This industry report offers the most up-to-date market data on the actual market situation, trends and future outlook for furniture in Malaysia.

The Malaysian furniture industry has transformed into technologically sustainable multibillion dollar market with its cottage based production beginning as early as 1980s.

This report: Furniture Market in Malaysia to 2018 - Market Size, Trends, and Forecasts provides a detailed analysis of the market and focuses on the major players, recent developments and key drivers of the furniture market in Malaysia. 

Market overview

The Malaysian furniture industry’s adoption of better technology capabilities and innovation in production processes has helped the industry to increase its exports for a bigger global market. The furniture industry in Malaysia is highly export oriented with 90% of its products being shipped. In 2010, Malaysia ranked as the eighth largest exporter in the world, right after China and Vietnam.  The export of outdoor furniture from tropical hardwood is mainly exported to the European market, one of the biggest importers of the Malaysian furniture industry.

For further insights,

Visit: The Malaysian furniture industry continues supply to the biggest markets in the world

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Furniture Industry Malaysia, Malaysia Furniture Market, Malaysia Furniture Industry