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Qatar tourism industry grows steadily as Qatar gears up to become the next-best destination spot

Press release August 27, 2014 Qatar tourism industry, market research report

The report provides detailed market analysis, information and insights, including historic and forecast tourist volumes covering the entire Qatari travel and tourism sector.

The Qatar tourism industry is booming with a whopping 2.6 million inbound tourists recorded in 2013. The largest source of tourists remains the GCC region with followed by Asia, Europe, non-GCC Arab countries and Africa arriving on either business or tourist visas.

This report, Travel and Tourism in Qatar to 2018, provides a detailed analysis of the market and focuses on the growth trends, major players, recent developments and key drivers of the travel and tourism market in Qatar.

Market overview

The Qatar tourism industry is growing at a fast pace with the number as the number of domestic trips increased to 530,686 in 2013, while the number of international trips increased 2.6 million in 2013. This was mainly due to increased tourists visits from GCC countries. Tourism development in the forecast period will grow primarily due to regional and international promotions and increased government efforts to develop the current tourism infrastructure and the expansion of flight routes by Qatar Airways.

Key drivers

Qatar is now seen as a transit hub which is one of the main reasons as to why travel retailers have introduced good stopover packages in an attempt to encourage tourists to visit the country, and see its attractions and other activities it has to offer. Qatar is also now being viewed as a business hub of the Middle East which is driving more and more trade events, conferences, exhibitions, etc. to take place. Sports events have also been a major attraction for tourists, while full-fledged preparations for World Cup 2022 is also bringing in business.

Market outlook

Qatar’s leisure arrivals remain a little weak as compared to markets such as the UAE as it is still in the developing stage. Also its neighbors like UAE offer far better provisions thereby attracting more travelers. Saudis and Kuwaitis remain the leading group of tourists to visit the place. Efforts are also being made to attract Europeans and Westerners as the country prepares to pool in millions of people during the World Cup.

For further insights,

Visit: Qatar tourism industry grows steadily as Qatar gears up to become the next-best destination spot

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Qatar tourism industry, market research report