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Ice cream market in India set to welcome global brands

Press release August 19, 2014 Ice cream market india, ice cream industry india, ice cream industry in india

The report presents analysis on the Ice Cream consumption trends in India, historic and forecast Ice Cream consumption volumes and values at market and category level.

The ice cream market in India has been forecasted to be worth around USD 328.2 million, of which over 40% belongs to the organized sector that will record an annual growth of about 15%. Amul India leads the market with about 36-38% share, which is closely followed, by Kwality Walls and Vadilal having 12-14% share each. However, these key players have to fight with local and cottage industry players, and with the Indian cuisine itself that offers a large variety of desserts, which is preferred by the Indian consumers. These are some of the reasons that per capita consumption of ice creams in India is still only about 300ml per annum, which is 1.4% of that in US, and 13% of the world’s total consumption. This can be seen as a huge opportunity for new regional and national entrants.

This report, The Future of the Ice Cream Market in India to 2018, provides authoritative and granular data on the ice cream market in India and, in doing so fill the gaps in marketers understanding of trends and the components of change behind them. It also highlights the key drivers behind the market.

Homegrown ventures focusing on natural and gourmet goodies

When the New York ice cream giant Haagen-Dazs entered the Chinese market, it did not have to compete with other ice cream brands and instead aligned itself with luxurious brands. Kolkata-based Pabrai’s Fresh and Naturelle Ice Creams have adopted a similar approach and positioned itself as an upscale brand. It currently serves the major five store hotel chains in India, like Marriott, ITC chains and Taj and the Imperial in Delhi. Currently available only in 10 cities, the owner even plans to sell ice creams in Australia, Indonesia, Singapore, Dubai and the UK. Another brand, Amore Gelato, currently has 27 stores and wishes to increase its market share to 9% from its current 4-5%. Even if their focus is franchisees, the company also plans to open around 75 stores by the end of 2014.

However, these indigenous companies not only face strict competition from Amul and Vadilal but also from global giants like Nestle and Haagen-Dazs who plan to expand in India. Nestle is pushing Movenpick, a super-premium ice cream brand, and offering consumers tropical fruit sorbets and sorbet-ice cream combinations. Though distribution is currently limited, with the current changing perceptions of Indian consumers towards healthier alternatives, they are hoping that they will be able to expand at a reasonable pace this year and generate the desired revenues.

Amul too is planning to increase its reach by adding retail outlets. On the other hand, Hindustan Unilever is launching new products and television campaigns to introduce their healthy variations to consumers. True, the market has niche players, like Nirula and Naturals, and premium brands like Baskin Robbins that dominate the Indian ice cream industry. Butthe key to increased footfalls and optimal rental profile remains in being able to choose a proper location.

For further insights,

Visit: Ice cream market in India set to welcome global brands

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Ice cream market india, ice cream industry india, ice cream industry in india