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Government investments fueling growth of transformer market in India

Press release September 1, 2014 Transformer market report, india transformer industry, transformer market size

The Transformer market in India can be segmented into two product segments which are Power Transformer and Distribution Transformer.

The Indian power transformer market has grown by a large extent over the past few years with well-maintained and matured technology base touching the 800 kV class. As India requires a reliable source of power, the market in the country is experiencing considerable growth. Recent research has shown that the transformer market in India will grow at a CAGR of 12.68% in the period 2014-2018.

This report, Transformer Market in India 2014-2018, provides a detailed analysis of the market and focuses on the major players, recent developments and key drivers of the transformer market in India.

Market overview

The transmission and distribution (T&D) utilities represent the major end-users of the power transformers in India. High demand form allied industries like the oil and gas market or the cement market is pushing growth in the Indian power transformer market. Recent developments in the power sector is also slated to have a substantial impact for the Indian transformer industry.

Increased government spending

The Government of India is encouraging investments from all sectors at T&D levels to ensure a continuous power supply and also reduce technical and business losses in the system. This has been possible through various schemes such as Revised Accelerated Power Development and Reform Program (R-APDRP) and Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY). This has brought about substantial investments in the T&D sector which entails the use of energy proficient transformers besides renewal, renovation, reorganization, and scaling up of the T&D infrastructure.

Key players

The key players of the transformer industry in India are ABB Ltd., Alstom SA, BHEL, Crompton Greaves Ltd, Siemens AG, EMCO Ltd, Bharat Bijlee Ltd, IMP Powers Ltd, Kirloskar Electric Company Ltd, Prolec GE International S de R.L de C.V, Transformers & Rectifiers (India) Ltd, Vijai Electricals Ltd, and Voltamp Transformers Ltd.

For further insights,

Visit: Government investments fueling growth of transformer market in India

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Transformer market report, india transformer industry, transformer market size