Exactly how can HR accelerate leadership in China?
Press release April 9, 2013 BusinessThere has never been a more pressing need than now for developing leaders in China. The rapid pace of growth, uncertain and fast-changing global economic conditions, and the persisting ambiguity of doing business has made strengthening the leadership pipeline a critical success factor for all organizations. And these needs for leadership development have grown far beyond the basic technical and functional expertise delivered by executive education. With growth comes a seemingly insatiable demand for new supervisors and managers.
The challenge is where to find them. The Mini MBA could be the launch pad for next generation af leaders in China – See http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTM4Mzg1NDYw.html - It focoses on such important topics as how to manage and lead growth, encouraging innovation, dealing with changing employee expectations, creating and maintaining employee engagement, and how to evolve as leaders to meet ever changing business challenges. A world-class executive education that covers all thematic principles of international management and provides a solid understanding of the fundamental practices of business. The Mini MBA curriculum is intense and challenging: in just one year you will gain the business skills and personal resources essential to launch and sustain your future career.
The challenge for the top tier of leadership in China is how to lead and manage this complexity. For instance, managing a single site operation in China of several hundred people is very different from running a multi-site operation of many thousands, perhaps even with some overseas markets and employees. Critical in this mix is the recognition that the skills that worked for them in former years are probably inadequate to deal effectively with current and future challenges.