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Demand for the global LCD panel industry is expected to supersede supply

Press release September 16, 2014 LCD Panel Industry, LCD Panel Market, LCD Panel Market Share

This research report presents demand and supply volume forecast and recent quarter review of the worldwide large-area TFT-LCD panel industry.

The global LCD panel industry’s demand is expected to increase its supply in 2014. The market is slated to record a 6% and 10.4% year on year growth.

This report: Worldwide Large Area TFT-LCD Panel Supply-and-Demand Forecast, 2Q 2014 provides a detailed analysis of the market and focuses on the major players, recent developments and key drivers of the global LCD panel industry.

Market overview

The global display applications market is expected to touch USD 16.4 billion by the year 2017, with an expected CAGR growth of 3.1% from 2012 to 2017. LCD is one of the technologies contributing to the growth in the display application market. To meet the increasing demand in the LCD panel industry, panel makers, globally, have opted to expand the production capacity of the existing lines instead of establishing new lines.

Key players

The key players in the industry include AUO, BOT, Century Display, CET Panda, CPT, CSOT, Hannstar, Infovision, Innolux, LG Display, PLD, Samsung Display, Sharp, Tienma.

For further insights,

Visit: Demand for the global LCD panel industry is expected to supersede supply

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LCD Panel Industry, LCD Panel Market, LCD Panel Market Share