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Demand for remodeling and refurbishing homes driving global wallpaper market

Press release August 25, 2014 Wallpaper market, wallpaper industry, wallpaper market size

This industry report package offers the most up-to-date market data on the actual market situation, trends, and future outlook for wallpaper in the world and in the top 10 global countries.

The wallpaper market was affected by a host of problems such as the recession, rising competition among paint and coating manufacturers and the mismanaged non-residential construction market. The residential remodeling segment is the main market for the wallpaper segment, with consumers opting to modify the interiors instead of entirely purchasing new houses.

This report, Global Wallpaper Market to 2018 - Market Size, Top 10 Countries, Trends, and Forecasts, provides a detailed analysis of the market and focuses on the major players, recent developments and key drivers of the global wallpaper market.

Market overview

The wallpaper market is currently seeing new trends such as increased use of removable wallpapers, wallpaper cutouts, mold resistant or even low- emission wallpapers. These trends are mostly coming into the market as they making the product more environment and user friendly. The global wallpaper industry is expected to grow by 3.8% in coming years. In the market 76% of the demand goes for the decorated plastic wallpaper, while ingrain wallpapers and other wallpapers make up the rest of the demand. China, Germany, Italy, South Korea and the United Kingdom are the largest wallpaper markets in the world.

Market trends

Decorative tiles are finding new applications in both residential and non-residential markets. On the other hand wall panels and decorative tiles are also gaining popularity in the market to a large extent.

Key drivers

Digital printing and new patterns such as faux finishes are a driving force in the mart. Designer names determine the possibility of success in the markets to a large extent, and the brands do not play too much of an important role.

For further insights,

Visit: Demand for remodeling and refurbishing homes driving global wallpaper market

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Wallpaper market, wallpaper industry, wallpaper market size