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Changing fashion trends in the emerging markets is driving the global apparel industry

Press release September 18, 2014 Apparel industry, apparel market, apparel industry analysis

This industry report package offers the market data on the actual market situation, trends and future outlook for apparel in the world and in the top 10 global countries.

The global apparel industry is expected to touch USD 1 trillion by the year 2020. However, growth is continuously slowing down in developed markets. Due to this, emerging markets are fuelling the maximum amount of growth in the global apparel market. The BRIC countries along with other South East Asian countries are deemed to be the major growth drivers.

This report: Global Apparel Market to 2018 - Market Size, Top 10 Countries, Trends, and Forecasts provides a detailed analysis of the market and focuses on the major players, recent developments and key drivers of the global apparel market.

Market overview

The global apparel market has witnessed a considerable shift, with trends moving towards product differentiation and sellers catering to a more diverse, well aware and demanding consumer group. Retailers have thus moved towards economic influence, societal influences, environmental concerns and demographic shifts. With growth in developed economies slowing down, emerging market economies are taking over.

The global children swear market is expected to cross USD 186 billion in 2014, while the menswear industry is expected to touch USD 402 billion this year. The global women swear industry on the other hand is expected to exceed USD 621 billion in 2014, representing over 12% yearly growth.

For further insights,

Visit: Changing fashion trends in the emerging markets is driving the global apparel industry

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Apparel industry, apparel market, apparel industry analysis