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All employees are complex individuals

Press release April 8, 2013 Education

For most people, it is a great motivation to maintain and develop their own self-image and self-esteem. On that basis we are doing things that are similar to the way we perceive ourselves and avoid actions that are not consistent with this self-image to feel good about ourselves. Thus, the individual employee will constantly try to shape their surroundings so they appear sensible for the individual.

This advice is a good starting point for handling the diversity of situations in an organization where motivation play's a role. Read more at

Motivation, in other words, is many things. It is not possible to reach one particular factor that motivates an entire group of people. Each employee has their preferences and desires in achieving interesting work that can motivate both in the short and long term. This places great demands on the manager who must be responsive to employees in order to identify what drives the individual. In relation to this, the above theories can be a good tool to identify the many aspects that are found in the motivation process. Read more at

At the same time, theories provide an indication as to which tools and incentives managers can use in order to motivate their employees. The theories can, thus, be used to provide inspiration in the work of creating more focused and motivated employees and in relation to diagnosing and resolving motivation problems. We will provide you with tools that will help you motivate your employees. The Online Mini MBA is a great start if you want to get hold of the latest management, communication, HR and psychology tools and trends. Read more at or call +45 45 76 58 58

