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NamiGreen Partnership With Ministry of Education Boosts Recycling and Job Creation

Press release November 27, 2018 Partnership Recycling E-waste

With job creation stagnant and e-waste problems increasing, a company called NamiGreen has commenced operations throughout Namibia with twin goals in mind. The company seeks to jump-start both electronic waste recycling and employment through gathering and processing old cell phones, computers, television sets, and other devices. To advance this goal, NamiGreen has created a partnership with the Ministry of Education.

Ministry of Education, Namibia
Together with NamiGreen, Ministry of Education collaborates on solving the growing e-waste problem in Namibia. From left Ms. Gwendy Platt, Mr. Ervast Mutota, Director of Arts, and Ms. C.M. Vries, Senior Education Officer, here seen standing next to one of the new e-waste bins from NamiGreen that citizens of Windhoek can use to dispose their electronic waste.


Windhoek, Namibia - November 27, 2018

Unfortunately, too many broken and otherwise unusable electronic devices end up in landfills or are dumped directly into the environment. With 95 per cent or more of Namibian e-waste not going into recycling, this waste builds up rapidly in overburdened landfills where it can leach toxic and deadly materials into the soil and groundwater.

The partnership with the Ministry of Education will allow NamiGreen to bring recycling facilities into the government complex. People can freely dispose of their e-waste and rest assured that it will not end up in a landfill or other locations that can harm the community or the environment.

NamiGreen’s efforts will not stop there. The company will continue to expand operations through partnerships with additional organisations and public institutions. NamiGreen also calls for all Namibians to start recycling their e-waste. Recycling ensures that the environment remains safe and that more young Namibians can enjoy good paying jobs in the industry.

Employment represents the other side of the equation. Only 50 per cent of young adult Namibians have jobs. Close to one-third of all adult Namibians hold no gainful employment. Opportunities such as those provided by NamiGreen’s recycling initiative can help more families eat better and keep a roof over their heads.

Additionally, NamiGreen will implement modern technology and techniques to separate rare earth materials from recycled devices. According to the World Health Organisation, many companies use primitive techniques that devastate the health of both workers and the environment.

Namibia has no monopoly on this problem. E-waste throughout Africa represents a growing problem that already makes a tragic impact on many communities. Namibia has an opportunity to serve as a model for both e-waste recycling and economic development opportunities related to it.

NamiGreen has developed partnerships with the private sector, mining operations, government agencies, and other organisations throughout the country. With its aggressive and effective outreach, NamiGreen expects to move quickly toward its goal of establishing a strong and productive e-waste recycling program throughout the country and is looking to expand operations through partnerships with other private organisations and public institutions. 


(+261) 081 256 4136

5 Von Braun Street

Windhoek, Namibia




Partnership Recycling E-waste

Ministry of Education, Namibia
Together with NamiGreen, Ministry of Education collaborates on solving the growing e-waste problem in Namibia. From left Ms. Gwendy Platt, Mr. Ervast Mutota, Director of Arts, and Ms. C.M. Vries, Senior Education Officer, here seen standing next to one of the new e-waste bins from NamiGreen that citizens of Windhoek can use to dispose their electronic waste.
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Ministry of Education Namibia - electronic waste recycling bins
NamiGreen has put of electronic waste recycling bins at Ministry of Education premises in Government park. Citizens can drop off their broken and used electronics free of charge.
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