AMO Toys - The PIM system opened the door to our new online B2B platform and webshop
Pressemeddelelse august 25, 2016At AMO Toys, a new B2B portal and webshop based on the uCommerce platform is now automatically fed with product data from the PIM system, so that customers can rely on always getting the right prices, information, pictures, user manuals, etc.
Fredericia Furniture har samlet alle produktdata med Perfion PIM-løsning
Pressemeddelelse maj 10, 2016Hos Fredericia Furniture er Perfion Product Information Management-systemet den eneste datakilde ud over Microsoft Dynamics NAV. De to systemer er integreret, så brugerne vedligeholder produktinformation i Dynamics NAV. Herfra overføres informationerne automatisk til Perfion.