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PurePharma lancerer den første hjemme-test der giver dig mulighed for at finde ud af hvilke vigtige næringsstoffer du mangler

Pressemeddelelse september 2, 2014 Hjemme-test Generelle sundhed Ernæring

København, Danmark 02.09.2014: PurePharma lancerer PurePharma X3, den første hjemme-test der giver dig et indblik i din krops sundhed, ved at måle dit blodniveau af omega-3, omega-6, transfedtsyre, D-vitamin og generelt inflammationsniveau. På baggrund af dine målinger vil du modtage en grundig rapport, der inde­holder personlige anbefalinger om hvordan du kan ændre din kost eller livsstil for at forbedre eller optimere din generelle sundhed.

PurePharma X3 02
Many experts agree that a large number of people get too little omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, two nutrients that play a key role in our overall health and well-being. By developing this new X3 test, offers PurePharma you not only a tool to control the level of these nærringsstoffer, but also a better way to understand your general health, and how to improve it.
Oliver Amdrup, co-founder of Pure Pharma, explains:
" PurePharmas mission is primarily to improve people's health. That's why we want to ensure that people only take supplements when they need it. Pure Pharma X 3 test only simplifies and improves the way test of nutrients occurs in the moment, by offering personal results and guidance . "
Compared with similar health tests on the market, Pure Pharma X3 so simple to use that you can take it home and thus do not need to visit your doctor. All necessary materials are included in the test kit, where you will also find instruction manual, which will easily guide you through the process. After 4-6 weeks you will receive test results via e-mail, along with a thorough report with personalized recommendations on how to improve your health by eating the foods that best compensate for your lack of specific nutrients.
About Pure Pharma
Pure Pharma is a Danish company founded in 2009 by Oliver Amdrup and Julius Heslet. The company has offices in Copenhagen and San Francisco and is now a team of 40 people. In the last few years, Pure Pharma seen a steady growth and now operates in more than 30 countries.


Hjemme-test Generelle sundhed Ernæring