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George M HERN22SV10860-eng


George M HERN22SV10860-eng, Michèl George chews on her latest god medal taken in partnership with her horse Best of 8 Photocredit Herning2022 / ...

George M HERN22SV10860-eng
Michèl George chews on her latest god medal taken in partnership with her horse Best of 8 Photocredit Herning2022 / Sharon Vanderput

Filtype: .jpg
Størrelse: 8,25 MB
Dimension: 3200 x 4800


Para Dressage: Gold for Belgium – and more gold for Denmark

Pressemeddelelse august 11, 2022
George M HERN22SV10860-eng Under blue skies and sunshine, the para-riders from grade V and grade III fought for individual medals at ECCO FEI World Championships.