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Manage Value-Created Management

Pressemitteilung April 29, 2013 Education

Organizations in both the public and private sector exist to create value for their customers, users and citizens. It may be as a financial profit, completion rates, processing time, etc. However, a large part of an organization's value creation starts internally. If the foundation is not right, it is very difficult to achieve results and generate value for those that the organization must serve and survive from.

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Culture management is one of the topics you can relate to Value-created management.

Knowledge of culture is essential when managing. This is because culture is ubiquitous, because culture is a complex set of customs, norms and patterns of behaviour. You acquire cultural understanding as a member of a community, business or similar. Culture can seem to be seen as a diffuse concept, as it is perceived differently depending on who you are, what business you are in, or what sort of society you are a part of. According to management, the concept of culture can be seen on the basis of national differences as well as the cultural differences between companies and departments.

In this chapter we take a closer look at the many perspectives of cultural theory thus trying to make the concept of culture more concrete and useful for working with management.

If you want to learn more about how you can manage Value-Created Management, our program could be a perfect solution for you. Our Management program is divided so that when cultural management in a global context is presented, it is not until national culture theory is presented. This links to an introduction to diversity management, which is coupled to strategic management, where concepts such as social responsibility and integration work are explained. This creates a framework to concentrate on organizational culture and what this has to do with an organization's image and identity. Finally, this paper discusses where organizational culture comes from. Read much more about the program at or send a mail to mailto:[email protected]

