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Demand for knowledge increases day by day - what can you do to change this!

Pressemitteilung April 25, 2013 Public

Companies from all over Europe are moving their production facilities to the East as a cost saving management strategy. Furthermore, the tendency shows that development activities are being outsourced to the east as well.


This can be very crucial. The consequences of moving your companies’ R&D Centers to China have required that Chinese employees have the same qualifications as the employees in your home country. The Chinese people educate themselves more and more, which requires that you pay attention to your own qualifications.  

Knowledge based organizations that provide energy and software solutions are moving their Research and Innovation Centers to China, which is critical for Western countries. What shall we do if we move both our production facilities and our Research and Innovation centers to the East?? We need to be smarter, more educated, increase our productivity and keep developing our business mindset. We can only do this through modern training and educations. See more here

When I say modern education I mean education that fits into a busy day and provides you with information on the latest trends in Management, Communication, Psychology and HR. There is several educations out there that focus on these topics. One of them is The Mini MBA from PROBANA Business School. It meets these requirements and is provided in English.  See here

What can you do as a manager to increase your employees’ productivity and add more value to the research area? If you have stronger management, communication and a deep understanding of your employees’ needs, then you will be able to optimize the processes, which lead to more value in your organization. We have an education which can help you. It is called a Mini MBA and it boost your career!

