Asbestos experts gather in Sydney to help tackle Australia's asbestos risks
Press release November 18, 2018 Asbestos CONFERENCETackling Australia’s ongoing risk of asbestos exposure: National and global experts in asbestos gather in Sydney
Asbestos, the next national plan: 2018 Sydney conference
Date: Monday 19 and Tuesday 20 November
Time: 9.00 am – 3.30 pm
Venue: Sheraton on the Park, Elizabeth Street, Sydney
Event program:
Contact: Rebecca Nicholson – 0409 216053
Elisabeth Bowdler – 0412 112374
Over 300 professionals in asbestos across the health, medical research, environment, legal, workplace and regulatory sectors will gather in Sydney on Monday 19 November and Tuesday 20 November to help progress the development of national plans to reduce Australian’s exposure to asbestos and asbestos-related disease.
Australia has the highest per capita incidence of mesothelioma in the world with an average 700 deaths each year and the rates of all forms of asbestos-related diseases is up to five times this number resulting in approximately 4,000 deaths per year.
The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency (ASEA) is developing Australia's next five-year National Strategic Plan for Asbestos Management and Awareness.
ASEA CEO Justine Ross said:
“The tragic statistic of over 4,000 deaths per year from asbestos-related diseases underlines the need for governments at all levels to continue to work together to prevent exposure to asbestos fibres in order to eliminate asbestos-related diseases in this country once and for all.”